TTSC ep11: The Brotherhood of Babel

3 years ago

May 31, 2020
The Brotherhood of Babel (A rebellion against social distancing)
In about the year 2222BC, a charismatic leader named Nimrod led masses of people in extensive construction projects that spanned the middle east. The tower at Babylon was designed to "make a name for ourselves," "reach the heavens," and "resist God's command to spread out on the earth." God's command was for their health and well-being but they preferred to build towers to glorify themselves and their own worst instincts. To bring mankind back from the brink of self-destruction, God and his angelic council confused their language and splintered it into 72 distinct languages. Unable to communicate, mankind abandoned the tower and moved off to other lands. But they never forgot their tower project and many tribes built other smaller towers (ziggurats) in Asia, Africa and the Americas. The brutal practice of human sacrifice by the Mayans is recorded in carved glyphs in their abandoned cities of stone. These stone structures remain as monuments to mankind's rebellion against God's loving kindness.

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