Bank vs Credit Union 🤑 Which One Is The Best? Credit Unions Or Big Banks

4 years ago

Whatsup Financial Hawks! In todays video we'll be going over bank vs credit union and seeing which one is the best? By going over the pros and cons of both so you can choose either Credit Unions or Big Banks!

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🔥HOT video you NEED to WATCH! If this one gets enough views maybe we can make one on best banks to open a checking account🔥

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#FinancialHawks #BankVsCreditUnion #CreditUnionsOrBigBanks

a cooperative association that makes small loans to its members at low interest rates and offers other banking services (such as savings and checking accounts)

BANK: : an establishment for the custody, loan, exchange, or issue of money, for the extension of credit, and for facilitating the transmission of funds
paychecks automatically deposited into the bank
went to the bank to make a withdrawal
open a bank account
bobsolete : the table, counter, or place of business of a money changer
2: a person conducting a gambling house or game
specifically : DEALER
3: a supply of something held in reserve: such as
ain games : the fund of supplies (such as money, chips, or pieces) held by the banker (see BANKER entry 1 sense 2) or dealer
bin games : a fund of pieces (such as dominoes) from which the players draw
select another domino from the bank
4: a place where something is held available
memory banks
especially : a depot for the collection and storage of a biological product
a blood bank

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