3 years ago

JESUS TO Mother Clare FROM STILL SMALL VOICE CHANNEL https://vimeo.com/485798901

MY dear family,
Yesterday I was accepting that the Rapture was about to happen but then last night I had a breakthrough with music. And I thought to myself, I will work on this as much as I can until the Rapture happens. I also thought to myself, maybe this was a kick in the pants for me to take things much more seriously and work on music non stop. Maybe the release we are all waiting for will happen! And Our Father will hold off just a little time longer. Only Our Father knows, but I am convinced this is the moment of truth, we are approaching the rapture in real time.

Dear Family, you must remember, the Lord still does not know the time. Just like we are all to be ready, for we know not the hour, so He also must keep His Heavenly army prepared and in readiness for the call could come at any moment. Perhaps my mother became aware of new preparations and was allowed to shoot a warning shot to wake up what is left in me.

Dear ones, the last time my mother appeared to me, Ezekiel almost died, he ended up having emergency surgery in the middle of the night. So I do not take warnings from her lightly.

Let me tell you this much, three senior members of our community had the very same readings, and one was given a rapture song by Misty Edwards. Out of the mouth of two or three His word will be confirmed. And I would not have warned you with these promptings, from my mother and Ezekiel if I had not had plenty of substantiating confirmations, even from the Bible Promises, Holy Spirit, Guidance, In the Twinkling of an eye, Scriptures that were given to not only me but also Ezekiel and other senior members of the community. We gathered together to weight the evidence and that’s where this message came from.

Now, I want to reason this out with you and perhaps the Lord will weight in and clarify, if He can. This is what I said in last night’s message, “The other way it could go, is that this is a serious warning to all of us, the Lord is about to re-equip us for the last leg of the journey but He must let us know this is our last chance to get it right and finish the work He has given us, thus, a stern warning replete with confirmations.”

I cannot speak for you, but I know that feeling worn out will dampen my enthusiasm and cause me to fall into a funk. I believe the weariness of living and walking through demon soup everyday, has taken the enthusiasm out of life, and being weak, I just want to crawl into a warm cozy hole, pull the covers up over my head and go to sleep. But I have been fighting that everyday. It is not my will or my desire, it is the exit route for exhaustion. And I, with all my heart, do not want that. God Forbid.

So knowing my heart, I believe the Lord may have sent a message from my mother to wake me up, saying, get up! You can’t stay here! Get up! He's coming! This is the final hour! Certainly that message did have that affect on me. So, if that is true then there is yet a small space of hope for us to do more for the Lord, even those assignments dear to our hearts.

In truth, I have told the Lord, that if He doesn’t change something, giving me back my youthful strength, I just don’t have anything left. But last night I felt something different, I felt a spark at the piano that I hadn’t felt for a long time. When I awoke this morning, I began to feel a desire to get up and start walking again.

No doubt my friendly Satanists will pick up on this and try to squash it, but I must remind them, for mercy’s sake, it is written that whoever curses us, God will curse, and I pray for your conversion, but I cannot rescind the word of God that whatever you wish upon me will happen to you. It is not that I send it back to you, that is not my heart. It is that this is a law God has enacted and you cursing me is going to cause His curse to fall upon you. Please don't take my word for it, just observe the repercussions of the curses you send out. 20 years ago when we were here a certain witch cursed my sons horse and it died. The very next week his favorite horse was found mutilated in a field. What you send out will come back to you. My son had an open door, that is why that curse landed.

As Satanists you know what a covenant is, and that it carries weight. Our covenant is with God and His rules apply to us, and if we live within His boundaries, His covenant is binding, which means His protection is binding as well. That is why I ask you to consider the consequences of cursing us, because I do not want to see you getting hurt. I pray that you will wake up and see all the fun you could have serving a God who truly loves you, rather than a god that is only using you and when he's done, he will torment you for eternity.

We are a full-time ministry and appreciate the kind and generous hearts that are able to contribute to our ministry. May the Lord bless you a hundred-fold, both now and in the age to come. You can't out-give the Lord! May He enfold you in His Loving Arms.

Email: Maryelisha@fromjesuswithloveministry.org
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