They Didn't See This Coming

3 years ago

Hello Family,

This message was give to me today after receiving a link from one of my Heartdwellers friends about the word that I shared from prophet Sadhu. It moved me to tears to think how so many of the American people are deceived especially Christians. How could you vote for a party that completely contradicts and doesn’t honor the word of God or his ways. I once was there in that position as a lukewarm Christian so I didn’t take Gods word seriously and didn’t realize how I was calling down his judgment with my decisions. Also during worship Jesus played so many songs of faith, of intercession and songs about standing on his word. After watching the video and going into worship my heart was on fire declaring Gods word. Standing in faith in what he said putting fear in its proper place underneath my feet and rising up in ferocious faith that we would be victorious.

I kept thinking of the Lord wisdom and how I am grateful for this trial he has allowed to his body because I don’t know about you guys, but every believer who is aware of the truth, across denominations is praying for this situation. It’s beautiful to see Holy Spirit move in the body like that because God permitted this trial to test all of our faiths and bring us back into confidence with his prophetic words spoken.

He did say in the previous message New World Order resistance was coming, but I didn’t understand it fully. From the message I presumed President Trump would be voted in office and we would have protest against him being in office again. Never did I think there would be resistance in the actual poll results, but we thank God that he is in control and the plans of enemy will not even prosper.

One family member I spoke today said she had been hearing from the Lord and Jesus told her that Donald Trump is a wall against satan’s agenda and the New World Order. Amazing and isn’t that the truth that is why they are attacking him and wanting him out so vehemently. This message is to all my fellow believers, prayer warriors, brides and soldiers in Christ do not get weary in this battle but rise up to cut the head off of this Goliath taunting the Armies of God as we proclaim our God reigns!

After worship I came before the Lord with my heart on fire as I said to him, Good morning Lord.
This has been the most interesting 2 days and has tested the faith of so many believers to believe in the words and your plans for our nation. After listening to Prophet Sadhu message I couldn’t help, but feel sadness in my heart for President Trump and fire in my belly to pray and believe like never before.

Jesus began,

“I am here my beloved one and I am using this to round up my troops and soldiers all over the world for this intense battle. Just like when Israel was fighting against their enemies Aaron stood next to Moses holding his arms. So he didn’t become weary in the battle to ensure that Israel would have victory.

Exodus 17:12-14
When Moses' arms grew tired, Aaron and Hur brought a stone for him to sit on, while they stood beside him and held up his arms, holding them steady until the sun went down. 13 In this way Joshua totally defeated the Amalekites.

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Write an account of this victory, so that it will be remembered. Tell Joshua that I will completely destroy the Amalekites.”

So am I now using my brides to be like Aaron raising up the Presidents courage, strength, and faith that he too will be victorious. He is, but a meer man and can only take so much. Although he comes across as sterned faced I know his heart and how it is weary from this battle. How he hurts at the insults, slander and disrespect hurled at him. If they only knew how much he loved this nation and is willing to put his life and the life of his family on the line to ensure the American people are protected and covered. He is a shepherd after my own heart one who lays down his life for his sheep and he has done just that. Oh my people, only if you would open your eyes to the blindness, and the deception you have believed, wanting to have a wolf take office instead. Who will devour this nation, your family and loved ones all behind the idea it is for the greater good. However, because my people have prayed I will not allow it.

We are a full-time ministry and appreciate the kind and generous hearts that are able to contribute to our ministry. May the Lord bless you a hundred-fold, both now and in the age to come. You can't out-give the Lord! May He enfold you in His Loving Arms.

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