Why is Washington Still Patrolled By National Guard Troops and Federal Buildings Being Fenced Off?

4 years ago

A hearing held by the Senate took place this week to probe the events of January 6th. It was a massive waste of time because the right people were not available and the right questions were not asked. The National Guard was ready, willing and able to assist Capitol Police as stated by Major General William Walker, but they were called off by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. This call was made after President Trump made a request for 10,000 troops be activated in the preceding days, due to the attendance for the rallies that were anticipated. No concrete evidence or answers were found at this hearing.

Where the Government fails, the Fifth Estate, the Media is supposed to pick up the slack. Well, they are far more content to push QAnon 'threats' that never came to fruition on March 4th (and now their 'journalism' leads them to believe March 20th is the next day) instead of seeking the truth. Q isn't a thing, Q leads to no where. It has no influence, it has no presence and the Media prop it up as a boogeyman. In doing so, they can have thousands of troops on the streets for an extended period of time without any pushback.

The Hill: https://thehill.com/policy/defense/541513-five-takeaways-from-dramatic-capitol-security-hearing?rl=1
Insider: https://www.businessinsider.com/qanon-march-4-failure-conspiracy-theory-now-prophesizes-march-20-2021-3
Washington Examiner 1: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/defense-national-security/trump-says-he-told-the-pentagon-10-000-national-guard-troops-would-be-needed-jan-6-but-was-ignored
Gateway Pundit: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/02/pelosis-fault-speaker-pelosi-told-sgt-arms-deny-national-guard-capitol-due-optics-left-building-unprotected-must-resign/
Yahoo: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/capitol-hill-braces-security-threat-140258059.html
WE2: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/defense-national-security/pentagon-confirms-request-extension-national-guard-capitol

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#Washington #CapitolHill #NationalGuard

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