Pure Government Propaganda

3 years ago

This week in Business News, another state wants a bill to allow third-party payment apps, /e/os now ships to the US, and Verizon & T-Moble have stupid moments this week. Also, Best Buy lays off staff, everyone is suing Texas power companies, and the MN government was trying to out-right propagandize the citizens. We finish with a touch of SillyVille.
#Propoganda #BestBuy #Verizon

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00:00 AZ Bill Targets Mobile Pay
01:24 /e/os Now Ships to US!
03:01 Verizon and T-Mobile Stupid Wars
04:52 BestBuy Lays Off 5000
07:16 Everyone Sues Griddy
09:15 Pure Propaganda
10:41 Affiliate - Express VPN
11:26 Hitler Amazon Logo
12:55 CDC Fake Normal
15:02 A Load of Bologna
16:48 Subscribestar - SwitchedToLinux

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