Should You Do Yoga? Is it Christian? | Spirtual Reality #Truthoverlies | Sybella Owens

4 years ago

Is yoga bad for you? Is it okay for Christians to do yoga? Is yoga a sin? Is yoga just exercise or something more. Is there really such thing as “Christian yoga?”

In this video I go over the dangers of yoga from the new age movement for both Christians and non Christians alike. The reality is you are opening yourself up to demons. Watch and hear how.


Intro: Some brief comments on Reiki, Massage and New Age
5:00​ Yoga
6:00​ What does yoga mean?
6:40​ What yoga poses actually are
8:00​ Is yoga just exercise?
13:25​ Can you somehow separate yourself from worship of Yoga by focusing on Jesus it scripture?
24:00​ Prayer of salvation, renouncing, deliverance, healing

🔥🔥🔥 See my raw and real testimony of deliverance here:

⚠️‼️ Learn the dangers of Reiki here:

✝️👑 Bible teaching and wisdom here:

🦅 Prophetic words for new era here:

🙏 Pastor Tom’s Deliverance Prayer List:


BLOG: Join my blog up to receive Fresh Fire from His throne at my new website address:

Want to know for sure that you are going to heaven when you die? Want a new chance at life? Say this prayer and mean it from your heart to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior in Jesus' Name Amen:

Father God, I have messed up my life, I know I’m a sinner. I ask that You would forgive me. I choose to turn to You and I believe that Jesus Christ, Your Son died for me, He took my place, He was punished for my sins, He died the death I deserved.

He took all my sicknesses and torment upon Himself to save me from it. He took my place to save me from death, that I may live in heaven for all eternity and know You Father.

I ask Lord Jesus that You would come into my heart and life and be my Lord and Savior. I turn away from my sin and turn to You. Wash me clean by Your holy blood and give me a new start, thank You for loving me. I renounce Satan and all his works, deliver and heal me now.

Baptize me in Your Holy Spirit with power and my own prayer language according to Your Word. Thank You Father God. I love You Lord. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.


Hallelujah! If you prayed that prayer and meant it, you have been born again! The Bible says you are now a NEW creation in Christ and the old things from your life have now passed away, and all things have become new!

All your sins are forgiven and washed away by the blood of Your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who took your place on the cross to save you and restore you back to your heavenly Father who created you, loves you and has a purpose for you!

Get into a bible believing church that teaches the Holy Bible, believes in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and where you can find out all about your Lord who loves you.

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