Strange star-like UFO preforming unworldly maneuvers | New MUFON Case

3 years ago

MUFON Case No. 113978 - Fort Smith, Arkansas on March 4, 2021 at 10:08 PM (Submitted on March 5, 2021)

Short description: Observed spherical, at times elongated, object in SW sky for over a half hour. It was bright, dim, and would disappear.

Long description: Observed a spherical and at times, elongated, object in SW sky for over a half hour. Brightness and visibility varied for the duration. It appeared to hover, free fall, and rapidly change directions and elevations.

Music provided by HearWeGo (​)
Artist: Nomyn
Title: Flow
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UFO, OVNI, UAP, UFOs, OVNIs, UAPs, Sightings, UFO sightings, Alien, Aliens, raw, airplane, drone, 2021, आवाज, ध्वनि, 不明飞行物,飞碟, 幽浮, NASA

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