Hashtag Guy VLOG 006 - FOCUS

4 years ago

Welcome back to #PhoenixEvolutionConsulting, here's the next instalment of #TheJonShowLIVEVLOG: Celebrate; presented by our very own Jon Richelieu-Booth aka #JonTheHashtagGuy of #TheJonShow / #TheJonShowLIVE & as inspired by #TimAllen's performance as #MikeBaxter.

The theme of this #VLOG is 'Focus'.

Webster's defines Focus as a center of activity, attention or attraction. It's a point of concentration.

As Contractors we often have a singular focus, on delivery. After all, if you aren't focussed on delivering it's more than likely you won't be there to deliver for that long. It's important to keep focus, never take your eye off of the prize.

As my good friend Sun-Tzu, talks about in "the Art of War" "Victorious warriors win first in their minds, and then go to war. Defeated warriors go to war first then seek to win."

Or to quote a more recent individual; former Navy SEAL Commander Mark Divine in Chapter two of his Book "Way of the SEAL" shares why it's important to have front-sight-focus. FSF is a four pronged approach:

1 Prepare Your Mind
2 Envision Success
3 Define the Mission
4 Simplify the Battlefield.

Like Sun Tzu, Commander Divine gets it.

In the meantime we'd appreciate if you could give our new VLOG a watch. Don't forget to let us know your thoughts / comments.

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