Vatican Anthem (1857–1949; Instrumental) Gran Marcia Trionfale

3 years ago

Gran Marcia Trionfale (Great Triumphal March) was the second personal anthem of the Pope and anthem of the Vatican City State, replacing "Noi vogliam Dio, Vergine Maria". It was written in 1857 by Viktorin Hallmayer.
In the eve of the Holy Year 1950 Pope Pius XII decided to replace it with Charles Gounod's Marche Pontificale (composed in 1869), which had a more religious tone.
Gran Marcia Trionfale was the official anthem of the Papal States and the Vatican City State.

Inno dello Stato Pontificio / Inno Pontificio / Hymne Pontifical / Papežská Hymna / Pontifical Hymn / Pápai Himnusz / Pontifical Anthem / Papal Anthem / Hino do Vaticano / Himno del Vaticano / Гимн Ватикана / Hymn Watykanu / Himna Vatikana / Vatikano Himnas / Inno Vaticano / Volkslied van Vaticaanstad / Inno Nazionale della Città del Vaticano / Vatikanische Nationalhymne

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