Vatican City State Anthem (Instrumental) Inno e Marcia Pontificale

3 years ago

Vatican City, officially the Vatican City State (Italian: Stato della Città del Vaticano; Latin: Status Civitatis Vaticanae), is the Holy See's independent city state, an enclave within Rome, Italy.
The Vatican City State, also known as The Vatican, became independent from Italy with the Lateran Treaty (1929), and it is a distinct territory under "full ownership, exclusive dominion, and sovereign authority and jurisdiction" of the Holy See. With an area of 49 hectares (121 acres) and a population of about 825, it is the smallest state in the world by both area and population.

The "Pontifical Anthem and March" (Italian: Inno e Marcia Pontificale), also known as the "Papal Anthem", is the anthem played to mark the presence of the Pope or one of his representatives, such as a nuncio, and on other solemn occasions.

(English Lyrics / Translation)
O Rome immortal of Martyrs and Saints,
O immortal Rome, accept our praises:
Glory in the heavens to God our Lord,
And peace to men who love Christ!

To You we come, Angelic Pastor,
In You we see the gentle Redeemer,
The Holy Heir of true and holy Faith;
Comfort and refuge of those who believe and fight.

Force and terror will not prevail,
But Truth and Love will reign.

Inno dello Stato Pontificio / Inno e Marcia Pontificale / Himno y la Marcha Pontificia / Inno Pontificio / Hymne Pontifical / Papežská Hymna / Pontifical Hymn / Pápai Himnusz / Pontifical Anthem / Papal Anthem / Hino do Vaticano / Himno del Vaticano / Гимн Ватикана / Hymn Watykanu / Himna Vatikana / Vatikano Himnas / Inno Vaticano / Volkslied van Vaticaanstad / Inno Nazionale della Città del Vaticano / Vatikanische Nationalhymne

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