2021 NAVFAC Southeast Virtual Seabee Ball

4 years ago

Credit: Jeffrey Hamlin | Date Taken: 03/05/2021
Just because we cannot gather this year due to COVID-19 restrictions, doesn't mean that we still can't celebrate the annual NAVFAC Southeast Seabee Ball! Cook up a home-cooked meal (your choice of steak, chicken or veggie), pull up a TV tray, and watch this year's ball... virtually! (Cake and DJ not included) NAVFAC Southeast Virtual Seabee Ball Program 00:00 Intro - CUCS Jason Fletcher MC 00:56 NAVFAC Southeast Commanding Officer Capt. Jorge Cuadros 03:50 History Introduction 04:22 NAVFAC History 06:18 CEC History 08:17 Seabee History 10:07 NAVFAC Southeast Projects 11:15 POW/MIA Moment of Silence 11:43 Commander, Navy Region Southeast RADM Gary Mayes 12:17 Traditional Cake Cutting Ceremony 14:35 Conclusion - CUCS Jason Fletcher MC 14:48 Birthday Shout-outs from NAVFAC Southeast PWDs & ROICCs

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