Our Christian Brothers Slaughtered in the Middle East!?!?!

3 years ago

Father Benedict Kiely is leading Nasarean.org to help our Christian brothers. In the summer of 2014, Father Ben perceived a call to devote his entire priestly ministry to aid and advocacy for persecuted Christians, especially in the Middle East.
Father Ben divides his time between the US, UK and the Middle East, speaking, preaching and writing, trying to focus attention on the plight of persecuted Christians around the world. He has visited war-torn Iraq on multiple occasions since 2015, and is working on getting Nasarean.org projects started in Syria, Lebanon and Egypt.
Advocacy is the principal work of Fr. Ben’s priestly ministry and includes, among many things – writing, media, speaking - educating and informing audiences about the widespread assault on Christians which is, according to Pope Francis, worse than at any time since the first centuries of the Church.
Advocacy work includes working with governmental organisations and others of goodwill who are seeking to help the suffering Church. In particular, Nasarean.org has developed a very positive relationship with the government of Hungary, the only nation in the world with a specific government Ministry for Persecuted Christians.
Advocacy work also includes working for Persecuted Christians to receive priority for immigration as victims of Genocide. Father Ben has visited Iraq on multiple occasions since early 2015 and is working hard to establish relationships in Syria.

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