Life Without Negative Mirrors

4 years ago

Life Without “Negative” Mirrors

We are living in a hostile time ...
With so much hate and abuse ...
... greed, corruption ...
... discrimination, oppression ...
...fear, uncertainty ...
... disaster, and war.

Will it ever end?
Is it possible?

Did we create this negative reality?
Or is it just our human nature?

How do we break the cycle?

Take a step back.
Turn off the sound.
Turn off the visual.
... and look within yourself.

Look for the beautiful magic in your life.
It is there, inside you.
See it. Feel it.

Share it.

Sharing the magic can help the healing ...
To dissolve our negative mirrors ...
And allow us to see only the reflected BEAUTY and LOVE.

© Linda M. McRae, Views by Linda Photography

This creation is not a self-study portrait of myself. Instead, it is a creation that I hope will inspire you to introspectively study yourself. It is said that we are all mirror reflections of each other. The qualities that we like or dislike in other people are reflections of the qualities that we like or dislike within ourselves. Each person you come into contact with is in your life for a reason, and that person may not be consciously aware that he/she is a teacher to show you what needs attention in your spiritual awareness journey. Likewise (aware of it or not), you are a mirror and teacher for that person. The good and bad qualities in you will help that person identify the qualities in him/herself that need to be recognized and/or worked on.

The hostile era in which we live has brought to the surface, many negative qualities that we all need to work on. If we recognize and accept this fact and then do the internal work that is needed, our world can indeed become a more harmonious place. What would your world look like without negative mirrors?

As I worked on this creation, I recognized that I have many negative mirrors. It's time to roll up my sleeves and start working on dissolving them. ~smile~

“Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he/she thinks into it.” — Ernest Holmes

“Our environment, the world in which we live and work, is a mirror of our attitudes and expectations.” — Earl Nightingale

“Everyone and everything that shows up in our life is a reflection of something that is happening inside of us.” — Alan Cohen

“You do not see the world as it is. You see it as you are.” — Anais Nin

Really good self-help reading here:

Another good read:

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