The Sin of Ingratitude

4 years ago


Hello family,

This morning before prayer I got a reading from St. Francis book and opened up to a story about a young man who was very ill about to die and wanted a blessing from the Saint so that he maybe healed. St. Francis told the man that His sickness was due to sin in his life however, if he would change his ways the Lord would heal him. So St. Francis did the sign of the cross over his body and the man was instantly healed as he got up with such gratitude. He warned the man that if he went back to his sin and forgot the Lords mercy upon his life he would be worse off than he was. As the reading went on to say “The sin of ingratitude leaves a soul worse off than before. Sure enough as St. Francis warned and prophecies to the man he indeed return back to his sin and was ungrateful of what God did so he died soon after and worse than before.....

I know it’s a heavy reading, but upon reading it nothing really stuck out to me. I thought maybe I should be praying for souls dying today. So I went ahead and went into prayer. The day before we had our community worship gathering and pulled rhemas. One of the rhemas the Lord gave me I didn’t quite understand what he was talking to me about. So in prayer that was on my mind as I was trying to discern what he wanted me to be more disciplined about. Then the reading from earlier came to my mind as Holy Spirit brought up “ the sin of ingratitude”. He wanted me to be more discipled in being grateful rather than always complaining in my heart. I sought the Lord if that prompting was from him and sure enough it was.

Jesus began,
Partially my love, all crosses that I give you are for your sanctification to purity and also a Simon cross for others. Thank you for being persistent concerting the rhema I gave you. This is something I want to address not only in you, but in so many others. The sin of ingratitude how this is plaguing the hearts of many of my brides.

Good morning Jesus,
Please forgive me for my in gratitude, my sin of ingratitude I didn’t even recognize it. I know I tend to complain a lot and I caught myself this morning, immediately complaining about certain things then I began to thank you instead. Is that why Lord you were distant with me again?

The sin of in gratitude makes a soul worse off than they were before why? Because you have easily forgotten my goodness, my tender mercies and my faithfulness in your lives. Remember when you were lost in the world, hurting, broken, empty and so unsatisfied. You called upon my name as I began to draw you with chords of loving kindness to myself and let you know that I am a God who sees you, loves you and knows you.

We are a full-time ministry and appreciate the kind and generous hearts that are able to contribute to our ministry. May the Lord bless you a hundred-fold, both now and in the age to come. You can't out-give the Lord! May He enfold you in His Loving Arms.

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