Take Authority Over Mall Fights

3 years ago


Hello Family

I came to the Lord this morning after prayer and asked him, Jesus what’s on your heart?

I heard “Infighting and division are coming and will increase more than ever.”

I said, Lord it seems that its already here

Jesus began,

“Yes, beloved, but it will continue to gain momentum as satan and his demons continue to count on the perfect storm if my people don’t take authority”.

Lord you must be referring to the dream I had. It was about a huge mob fight that broke out in a mall. There was so much anger as everyone was fighting each other. I know racial issues were involved, avarice, bitterness, it was so much anarchy. Then I saw what looked like a man, come forth from all the chaos. He stood up on a table, and as I looked more clearly admits all the fighting that was still going on all around him. I realized it was a demon who had the form of a man. Positioning himself above the people as they they continued fighting. He then got out a stick like that of an orchestra conductor. Waving it too and fro as the fights ensued, I looked around sick to my stomach no one was stopping it. A thought came to my mind, this is demonic I need to take authority. So something rose up in me and I began to address the demon and calling on the Holy angels then I woke up.

Lord are these things to come and how do we take authority?

Jesus continued,

“Yes beloved ,this is a foreshadow of many things to come. I show you these things so you and others would pray. The darkness over the earth is so prolific people have allowed demons to infiltrate almost every area of their lives and hearts. If you could see what I could see, you would see demons accompanying so many souls. Four demons at times to one person and even those who are mine have demons attached to them of bitterness, resentment and anger. Those who have not spend substantial time in my presence and in repentance in this time of lockdown are like ticking time bombs waiting to explode. This Christmas season the demons of avarice have a greater strong hold on many and will be used to insight more compulsion and lust for things than ever before. With that comes demons of impatience, selfishness, and frustration to stir up situation that will be the perfect recipe for a fight. Yes beloved ones, you have heard stories here and there, but not like how they intend to explode this year. Rather, then my people seeing materials and lust for things as useless and detaching them selves from world, when I permitted this lockdown. Many rather fed their flesh and have a hunger to fill that void that they were deprived of. Furthermore, because of racial tensions as well many are swarmed with demons of bitterness, resentment, prejudice and pride all calumniating for a perfect opportunity to justify their anger and rage. My beloved ones I need you to began to take authority.

You are in a war and there is no more time for my people to sit on the side lines. I am calling my brides to the front line of this battle and using my name and walking in my authority for victory. Your battle is not flesh and blood, but principalities and wickedness in high places in the spirit and on the earth (Ephesians 6:12). Don’t for one second think the deep state and those in the one world order are not involved in these events. For they have orchestrated these type of mobs fights that will ensue, taking over malls in the communities all over your nation. They themselves are being orchestrated by the devils playing right into their hands as this becomes a sweet melody before Satan and his demons.

We are a full-time ministry and appreciate the kind and generous hearts that are able to contribute to our ministry. May the Lord bless you a hundred-fold, both now and in the age to come. You can't out-give the Lord! May He enfold you in His Loving Arms.

Email: Maryelisha@fromjesuswithloveministry.org
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