The Atlantic's REVIEW of Beyond Order is a Hateful Article Written By an Author With a Grudge

4 years ago

Helen Lewis wrote what could be considered a passible smear piece and also the worst Book review to date on someone she has a vendetta against.

The Atlantic charged her with the responsibility (or perhaps she volunteered) to write a wordy, vengeful, spite infused tear-down of Dr. Jordan B. Peterson. It covered his life, trials and tribulations over the past year and only at the very end did it stray into the area of a book review.

Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life was the optimal opportunity for the woman who was made an absolute fool over a year ago in an interview for British GQ, combating Dr. Peterson, to strike back and exact her revenge.

Her projection throughout the piece is obvious and overt. He open jealousy of the influence that Peterson has achieved is laden throughout.

Pure, unadulterated childish behavior.

The Atlantic:

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