St. Bakhita - Slave to Saint

4 years ago


Hello Family,

One of the young ladies have arrived finally here in the community and it has been a big adjustment for her. To be very frank it’s a big adjustment for everyone who has come here to this community. In one of Mother Clare’s messages Jesus said, “this mountain is not for sissy’s”. Here you will be tried to your limits end in self-love which is the biggest challenge for every soul. Denying yourself, letting go of worldliness and truly embracing this way of life. So that you may go much deeper with Jesus in purity and holiness.

As you can see, I am still a working progress, but I want to encourage others to not give up the pursuit of this high climb to holiness. So, with this young lady, I had noticed she was becoming very laxed and unmotivated to do anything especially prayer. Which is the most important thing here in the community because we are on battlefield and the Lord has put us on the front lines. We can’t have anyone laxed in prayer because it affects the whole community. She is one of the souls called to come to Ghana and the Lord has brought her here to prepare her for that mission. It’s been difficult for her and I think it would be for anyone coming out of the world, having your own apartment to living in a small room with two other older women. You have differences in age group, back grounds, life experiences, pains from the past, preferences, and desires the list goes on and on. However, I believe the is the reason the Lord put them all together that “self” maybe crucified. He truly wastes nothing guys.

What better way to learn charity, self-denial, and much patience by sharing your space and life with others. I would try to encourage this young lady, but it seemed every time I would ask if she used her time to spend with the Lord, I would get a no. After about two weeks I found myself very frustrated and feeling impatient with her. So, we decided to make a designated spot just for her on the mountain with a chair so she could get away to spend some time with Jesus. On this day I was walking up too Blessed Mothers tree to pray and I was talking to the Lord about her in my heart as I was looking forward to seeing her at this new designated spot the chair was empty.

Then I heard “Laziness” “Laziness” so I found myself frustrated again after prayer I went to talk with her to see if she had spent time with the Lord and she said no again. At this point I wasn’t sure what to do or say so the following morning I went to Blessed Mother asking her to grant me the grace of patience with this soul and give her a fervent spirit and get her out of this lethargy and Luke warmness that she was stuck in. Towards the end of the Rosary I began to see a vision with children and the community the City of God. I saw the room with the children, and workers that came to help us. The room was named after and dedicated to St. Bakhita. I knew she watched over all the children and even the workers interceding for them daily as I visualized this, I then had a strong sense that she wanted to talk with me. I saw Blessed Mother’s mantle then a figure standing behind her who emerged, and it was St. Bakhita

she began speaking,

“My Beloved sister I watch over you and all your doings with a motherly love and affection. Don’t doubt or hesitate to do all the good Lord has purposed in your heart and instructed you to do. These all may seem beyond you because it is, but you have our sweet Mother helping you and praying with you in all these things. It is precisely your love for your spouse that you have been entrusted with such a great task that will bring him and all heaven joy. It is your love, such a grace he has given you to love him so deeply and give him all that he asks. Continue to have full confidence in him and not your ability in anyway because He will do it. I’ve have longed to see our people touched by God’s love in the most precious way and he will use you and the many others he has called alongside you to do it.

Then she begins to speak to this soul who has been struggling

To my beloved daughter, I have been praying for you since you were a child. I knew the struggles, the pain and the wounds you would have to overcome. That is why I asked the Lord for you. I carry you in my heart and I see you are in much need of encouragement. Don’t give up hope, don’t give up loving my dear one and don’t give up on God. Nothing in your life or current situation is beyond repair. You are not beyond repair. It is precisely the pain you have endured that he is calling you to love much more deeply. There has been a fight in you to resist the work God is trying to do. I too was broken by him at an early age, stripped of all my comforts, and from those I loved. From the homeland that was so dear to me to become a slave of his righteousness.

St. Bakhita movie trailer I encourage every believer to buy or rent to watch this! :

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