Huge business opportunities for the conservative Social Media businesses

4 years ago


Hello! I want to talk about how there is a huge business opportunities for the conservative businesses. Rogan O'Handley, a lawyer and social media influencer predicts the social media censorship of conservatives is going to really backfire on them. O'Handley told the John Solomon Reports (itself is a) podcast that by forcing conservatives out of mainstream social media, the left is creating a lucrative(fancy) business for alternative social media platforms that are pro-free speech. "This is economic balkanization {definition below} of the internet, right? Wait, what does balkanization mean? divide (a region or body) into smaller mutually hostile states or groups. For example it offers is this. "ambitious neighbors would snatch pieces of territory, Balkanizing the country" Makes me think of old frontier where people fought over mining claims. So he is talking about how all the social media is “fighting” for viewers. Back to O’s comments. He said. “So we're seeing as we are rejected, and pushed out of, and censored by, mainstream leftist Silicon Valley companies, it's creating a massive, lucrative economic opportunity for entrepreneurs to provide alternatives that defend American values and allow free speech." "We are definitely starting to see the pendulum swing the other way. And I posted about it myself. I said there are billions of dollars to be made by providing conservative alternatives to the things that we all like, and I'm really happy to see those things happening. Again, it will take time because there's a massive digital migration." O'Handley added, "(programs)Applications like Telegram, Parler, and Gab, they're just booming with users and engagement. And the second thing I think that will result in pushing most leftists to finally stand up against cancel culture and censorship is when it starts coming for them. Leftists used to be the biggest proponents of free speech, largely because they were in the minority in terms of power in this country." Wanting to explain the left's takeover of culture and society, O'Handley said, "Now, leftists control pretty much every major institution I.E. - academia, media, big tech, Hollywood, the major sports teams, etc. are starting to see a lot of 'woke-ism.' A lot of big corporations too, like Coca-Cola with its 'be less white' diversity training stuff - they are actually in charge, for the most part, of nearly everything. And now they control the federal government of D.C., so they want to keep that power. The Constitution is really just an obstacle for them to maintain what they believe is virtuous authority. But what actually ends up happening, like all leftist regimes throughout history, they become tyrannical and oppressive." O brings up good points but will the RIGHT side seize this opportunity to provide a platform for conservatives? We shall see…

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