HashtagGuy VLOG 005 - Celebrate

4 years ago

Welcome back to #PhoenixEvolutionConsulting, here's the next instalment of #TheJonShowLIVEVLOG: Celebrate; presented by our very own Jon Richelieu-Booth aka #JonTheHashtagGuy of #TheJonShow / #TheJonShowLIVE & as inspired by #TimAllen's performance as #MikeBaxter.

The theme of this #VLOG is 'Celebrate'.

I'm confident, no matter how things might look right now, YOU will have something to celebrate so go grab some Cake & let's celebrate the good times. .

In the meantime we'd appreciate if you could give our new VLOG a watch. Don't forget to let us know your thoughts / comments.

Admin #PhoenixEvolutionConsulting

Hashtag Guy, OUT!

#Architect #BusinessAnalyst #Change #ContractSearch #ContractorsHelpingContractors #Cyber #HowManyHashtags #JonTheHashtagGuy #PhoenixEvolutionConsulting #ProgrammeManager #ProjectManager #SeniorProjectManager #ServiceManager #TeamJon #TeamworkMakesTheDreamWork #Test #TheJonShow #ThePowerOfLInkedIN #WeWantSolidGoldUnicorns

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