The First American Public Law in Over a Century March 3, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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The First American Public Law in Over a Century March 3, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

It has been a year as of this month since the whole virus scare began, and to date, absolutely no serious effort has been made to isolate any such virus. That tells you one of two things, Campers: (a) the "government" corporations know everything about this virus because they created it and caused the whole problem in the first place, or (b) there is no such thing and we have all been led on a long and incredibly expensive Snipe Hunt.

I personally believe that there is a virus, that the perpetrators created it, so that they could step in with their solution to the problem they created--- their own very expensive vaccine.

This so-called vaccine serves a completely different purpose than any vaccine. Its Messenger Ribonucleic Acid payload is patented nanotechnology and once it enters itself into the victim's genome, it provides an excuse for the patent holders to claim that the victim is now a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) that they own. Literally.

This results because of a loophole in patent laws that allows this and creates a means of commercial entrapment and enslavement.

So the American State Assemblies have moved to close the loophole and issued the first American Public Law in over a century. This measure passed with a three-quarters vote of all State Assemblies, eight abstaining or still in process.

This measure makes it illegal throughout The United States for any corporation or commercial entity or person however defined to claim any patent interest or make any ownership interest claim against living people based on the injection or other introduction of patented gene fragments or nanotech into the natural genome of men and women.

Any claim that anyone is redefined as a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) by ingestion or injection or any other receipt of patented genetic materials is prohibited and punishment for offenders is established.

Perhaps most important, no profit can be gained by any genetic material patent holder above the explicit cost of service or product and no obscene and secretive claim of slave ownership or Genetically Modified Organism "product" status can be advanced against unwary individuals; this includes protection of American members of the U.S. Military Forces and Federal Civil Service. All such repugnant claims are outlawed in all venues and are unenforceable in this country as of 1 January 2021.

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