( -0049 ) Dolly Parton Donated To Help Fund Vaccine-Uses Jolene To Tout Wisdom Of Gittin Yer Untested Shot

4 years ago

Who Are Dolly's "Friends" and Is She Being "Handled" Or Just Surrounded By Idgits?? Hmm. Dolly Parton Helped Fund Vaccine w Large Donation-Touts Wisdom Of Gittin Yer Shot Prior To Its Safety Testing; Meanwhile she doesn't recommend checking your Vitamin D levels, which make it many, many times less likely for the illness to be fatal, and meanwhile chances of dying directly from it, without severe co-morbidities, for those under the age of 65 are not very high. (CDC reports a small fraction of U.S. deaths are in that category, so maybe on average 1 in 10,000 exceedingly conservatively)

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