National Apostasy to National Ruin: 2020 Marks DECADE of GREAT RUINS for BABYLON By Controversy 7

4 years ago

Thanks to Controversy 7 for this video about the stark reality in which we now live. There were eras from 2000 to 2010 (fear war on terror), then 2010 to 2020 (nations into apostasy and the great falling away), and now 2020 to 2030 (disasters ruins judgments from God).

It is the time and the season in which God Almighty is allowing the fall of the haughty, proud, and the merchants who were lifted up in their riches but were cast down to the earth and found wanting before the Lord.

The sin of mankind is being elevated as something good when it is evil and apostate steeped in sins and apostasy, against the Most-High. God will destroy those who destroy the earth and His people.

The trans-gendering will be turned before our eyes rapidly to trans-humanism to join with machine as iron. We are the clay to be molded and shaped by God Almighty, our Creator, not be be mixed with the abominable sins nor the abomination of desolation to join yourself with the beast system.

We need to return to the 10 commandments in their entirety to be saved, healed, and redeemed by the Lord. Isaiah 24 speaks of how God brings judgment against the inhabitants of the earth for their transgressions against Him.

God Bless You and Shalom,

Susan Joy Dahl

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