SOCIAL DISTANCING Enter RITUAL CIRCLES! Churches reopen NO SINGING! By Controversy 7

4 years ago

Thank you Controversy 7 for this video.
How far is too far?

The church, those who love and obey the Lord, should be able to assemble, speak, and sing TOGETHER, as a body of believers. That is called worship in a corporate (group) setting, thus, another name for church for us, as the body of Christ, to be called "the assembly" and "the congregation". It is ALL about GATHERING TOGETHER to praise and worship Him, as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

The social distancing, the masks, the ritual circles, and the no singing mandate ALL remove important aspects of us worshipping the Lord as His people who are gathered together for HIM, not the state. This should be a huge wake up call for everyone "going to church".

If your church is agreeing, complying, and doing these things, it is better to worship the Lord yourself or in small groups where these things are NOT what you do at all, but rather, the opposite.

The mask is a band-aid placed on your mouth, your lips, and your voice. The mask is telling you in an outward and subliminal way that your voice, your words, and your song are not to resound and not to be heard. Is this what God would desire for His people?

The mask takes away your individual identity. Our face is our identity and so is our voice. When we all wear a mask, we all conform to looking the same, not having our individuality and conformity is what they want all the sheeple to DO... to systematically take the freedom we enjoyed away from us.

Dispersing us from "congregating" in businesses, schools, and churches means that we are not "gathering" to lift up our voices to the King nor assembling to go against the beast system that is against the Lord.

It is a terrible blow against our rights of free speech AND our right to assemble AS A GROUP TOGETHER. The real reason why they are doing this is so that you do not come together and fight against them and this horrible lie put upon the people.

God wants us to be able to freely worship Him and freely assemble, as His church assembly congregation group (OF WORSHIPPERS) of Him and His holy name.

6 feet is chosen because you have 3+3 which is a 33 for them claiming themselves as the craftsmen. There will be four craftsmen who will go against them to terrify them at the time appointed by God. 6 feet distance is also needed for facial (face) recognition to be effective to track everyone digitally when they cause everything (especially our ID) to be identified through digital means.

Why do you think there are more and more cameras put up everywhere? Did you notice how every street light has been changed to be an LED light with cameras on the top of them? What about all of the street traffic lights and those cameras? Are these things being done by accident or by design? Do they want us to be like China? Unfortunately, the powers that be DO want us to conform to what China has been doing against their people for several years.

This has been a systematic way to get rid of free speech, ending freely being able to worship, and removing the free right to ASSEMBLE TOGETHER IN A GROUP... all in the GUISE of a planned-emic that was MANUFACTURED not organically happening against people.

The entirety of what they are DOING is to dismantle every freedom we have enjoyed. What did Moses speak to Pharaoh? LET MY PEOPLE GO... so they can worship ME on the mountain! They were set FREE to WORSHIP God Almighty, not be to slaves anymore in Egypt.

God Bless You and Shalom,

Susan Joy Dahl

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