Bake me a cake, bigot! Crowdsource a Lobbyist? 1March2021 CitReps Podcast#3

3 years ago


Talk about Project Goodwill

Keys of Knowledge

What is the molecular principle?

Citizen Representatives comes from Molecular Politics-Fixing America

Explain CitReps again

Questions received:

Still some concerns about the security of the system
“I don’t do apps”
“We ARE dealing with corrupted actors, so trusting ANYTHING involved with any of them who have access, or infiltration to ANY aspect - seems problematic.”
Human element

Potential Bills on the Horizon:
“Bake me a cake, bigot”
-Deals with when you can deny service to someone and when you can’t.
-If what you’re offering is exactly the same for everyone, you cannot deny service to someone.
-If what you’re offering is unique and is different for everyone, then you can deny service.
-If your “right” requires money or an action on my part, it is not really a “right”

Until CitReps is big, can we crowdfund a lobbyist?
$5000 to a campaign if they sponsor this bill and it makes it on to national news

Amazon yanks bestselling book about transgender issues from online store without explanation

Cancel Culture, Amazon banning certain books. Matt Walsh on Twitter: "If Amazon decides to label conservative books “hate speech,” that's effectively the end of conservative books. Publishers won't bother publishing books that can't be sold on Amazon. This is a hugely important issue. I don't think it's getting all the attention it deserves."

“Compelled Speech” case about Critical Race Theory SchoolHouseRights on Twitter: "Here is the clever Compelled Speech reply that persuaded the federal court today to declare that our First Amendment claim is likely to succeed, paving the way for a trial on the merits in April.

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