The Mask Is Theater

4 years ago

When you wear a mask:

You are breathing in your own CO2.
You are causing your lungs to unnecessarily work harder.
You are getting less oxygen into your body and brain.
You create a warm place for bacteria and viruses to thrive by breathing into a mask and contaminating it. Never wear a mask more than once.
The China virus is 1000 times smaller than the hole in the N95 mask, the best mask on the market. Cloth bandanas are worthless bacterial traps.
There are no randomized controlled trials scientific studies that show mask are effective in stopping the spread of infectious disease.
The “social distancing” 6-foot rule was invented out of thin air. No studies exist to support this notion.
The CDC has flip-flopped several times now on whether airborne transmission of the Chinese virus is possible.
The CDC has flip-flopped several times now on whether it is necessary or safe to wear a mask.
When you wear a mask and you’re all alone – there’s something wrong with you.
You have a 99.6% chance of surviving the China virus, 96.9% of surviving the flu, 79% chance of surviving meningitis and only 70% of surviving encephalitis, which was in the mosquitoes in Michigan this year. Any government official or medical professional tell you not to go outside or put on insect repellant?
Masks give one a false sense of protection.
Masks do not save lives. They are meant to condition us.
If you want to wear a mask in our store you are always welcome to. Our philosophy is to build your immune system and make you stronger, not make you weaker. Health comes from a position of strength, not of weakness.

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