Let's Play - Warrior Cats the Game (Firestar solo) part 3

4 years ago

Fire and Ice (1/2)

We go to bring back WindClan and then I get my 1st apprentice. Also, Graystripe gets himself a lover.

Follow the instructions here to download the game --> http://warriorcatsgame.weebly.com/download.html

Tags: Warriors, Red Dragonette, fan game, gaming, fangame, RPG maker XP, playthrough, walkthrough, Fireheart, Graystripe, Bluestar, Tigerclaw, Cinderpaw, Brackenpaw, Mousefur, Dustpaw, Yellowfang, One-eye, Tallstar, Deadfoot, Morningstar, Gorsekit, Barkface, Leopardfur, Whiteclaw, Silverstream, Princess, cat, ThunderClan camp, search, moors, StarClan code, secret spot, sewers, rats, rancid mouse, game over, gameover, Barley's Farm, sewer maze, Riverclan territory, gorge, battle, fighting, fight, death, fall, river, Owl Tree, apprentices, glitch, assessment, frozen water, Sunningrocks, love, greencough, The Prophecies Begin

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