10K Run On A Rainy Day in Ecuador

4 years ago

Running in Ecuador. Today was a rainy, dreary and muddy day. They are widening, and paving the main road for me to run to Crucita. But now its a mess. I retired my (Hoha One One, Rincon) shoes after this run with 604 Kilometers on them. They were about shot anyway and with the mud caked on after the run I tossed them. The video took clips for the first 35 min and stopped. I think I forgot to change the length of the record from 30 min to 1 hour. So this was about 1/2 the run. You can see my run stats on Strava @ https://www.strava.com/activities/4877406036
10.04K @ 59:54
I was in zone 2 for this whole video although you wouldn't know it by the way I was breathing on the video. LOL The second half I went into zone 3 to finish up my 10k.

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