Why be a follower?

4 years ago

The right software solution isn’t necessarily what everyone else is using. It needs to fit the company and industry — as Erica Windle, the Principal of Operations for ERP Advisors Group, explains in this video. #leadnotfollow​ #erpselection​

Transcript: Hi, I'm Erica Windle, the principal of operations for ERP Advisors Group based out of Denver, Colorado. I've had something on my mind: I head up the sales for ERP Advisors Group and I would say that we come across two different camps of companies who are looking at making a change in their technology. I would say one camp leans towards what we have to use, what everybody else in the industry is using versus the other camp is very open to, well, "Should we look at the industry best of breed for our company," whether it's steel distribution, seafood, hotel distribution, a parking authority, you name it — cattleman leasing. So we definitely always help our clients look at what the options are, that's catered to their industry, and then we also help them see how more of a broad-based platform can help them to scale and use technology to grow the business. It's very interesting. I mean, all the clients I can think of through the last many years, they do — I would say 95 percent end up in more of a horizontally based, broad-based ERP application that they can grow the whole organization with. So if you're looking for any help as to why you should or shouldn't pick what everybody else in your industry is using give us a call, even if it's just for a conversation or two. We can just give you some high-level ideas. The other thing is, why be a follower? Why do what everybody else is doing? They haven't gone out there and done the hard work to find out what really is best for your particular industry or company. Maybe there is a uniqueness out there you haven't uncovered and we can help you find that.



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