Addressing end-user concerns in change management

3 years ago

ERP implementations can fail when end-user concerns aren't understood and properly addressed. In today's #LessonLearned​, hear from Shawn Windle how Change Management can make all the difference in your implementation.

Transcript: This is Shawn Windle with ERP Advisors Group and I'm just wrapping up a trip here to Germany with a global rollout of an ERP package. And there's a really, really, really super lesson learned here that I want to share with you. And it's really about change management. Change management is not some airy fairy kind of topic. It's actually something that's real for projects and on this project we missed out on a couple of things that, looking at it, now I realize we should've gotten right. There were several users that were unhappy early on in the project. And as it turned out, now that we've gotten through go-live, they're even more unhappy. Surprise, surprise! So the key lesson learned here is when you have some people that are unhappy, go and talk to them specifically. Make the time to just sit down with them. Understand what their issues really are. Make sure they're not just complaining and most people don't just complain, right? There's real problems that are going on. Talk to them, get what the real problems are and solve them then, because it's only gonna get worse later, especially after go live. Thank you very much.


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