4 years ago

MONDAY  - MARCH 01, 2021
LIVE BROADCAST: 9AM  https://vimeo.com/event/706533  6PM  https://vimeo.com/event/706574 


Stone told Fox News that he would back Trump if the former president launches another campaign for 2024. “If he ran again I would certainly support him, but four years is a very long time. What will happen now based on history is the Democrats and academia and the media will seek to bury his great accomplishments,” he said.  Stone added: “The American people need to be reminded that we had the greatest jobs boom in American history, for example, under President Trump, that we rebuilt our military strength, that we negotiated much, much better trade deals—so I favor some kind of Trump Legacy Project to remind the people of how much this man accomplished with the opposition of elite leadership of both parties.”  Several outlets reported that Stone was greeted by a crowd of Trump supporters at the conservative event on Saturday, with countless attendees stopping him for handshakes and photo ops.  https://thepetesantillishow.com/archives/17052 
Special Guest: Roger Stone is a seasoned political operative, speaker, pundit, and New York Times Bestselling Author featured in the Netflix documentary “Get Me Roger Stone”. A veteran of ten national presidential campaigns, he served as a senior campaign aide to three Republican presidents: Nixon, Reagan, and Trump. Roger Stone was indicted on fabricated charges in the now discredited Mueller witch hunt and subjected to a Soviet-style show trial in Washington DC in which his first, fourth and sixth amendment rights were violated. His sentence was commuted by President Donald J. Trump as an act of justice and mercy on July 10, 2020.    https://stonecoldtruth.com/
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