WILHELM REICH: A Walk Around the Orgone Energy Observatory

3 years ago

Spending a beautiful fall day in Rangeley Maine.
This is a brief walk around of the property of Wilhelm Reich. Creator of the Cloudbuster, author of many books, and dabbler of the depth of the mind.
You may find many videos of detailed information on Wilhelm Reich, I however chose to film more out of observation on my first time visit.

The quotes within the video, are scattered around the hike through Orgonon. A very thought provoking place. I tried to peer through the windows to the Observatory, which is currently closed... but I was unable to see much, however, I was able to find more Cloudbusters in the Shed out back!! Be sure to watch to that point!
I hope you enjoy the video, as much as I enjoyed making it!
Please share with your friends and family, if you think they may like it!

Thanks! -EM

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