Are We Stupid? February 28, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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Are We Stupid? February 28, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

The Brits think so.

But are we?

We have let them lead us around by the nose for over a hundred and fifty years....

And we have been confused and deceived by rudimentary semantic deceits such as the difference between The United States of America and “the” United States of America—- the British Territorial United States.

We’ve let them define us and run us through their courts like cattle in a chute, pillaging and plundering all the way. And yes, we did mistake their courts for our courts, and their forms of law for ours.... but is that our fault for being fooled or theirs for acting in Breach of Trust and deceiving us?

And we have been obeying mandates issued by the heads of their bankrupt corporations who have less than no authority over us.

And we have been cowering in fear of a virus that nobody has yet proven exists. They haven’t even tried to isolate any virus. They just talk about it as if it exists, and blame it for heart attacks and cancer and falls off of ladder trucks.

But then, generations of us have cowered in fear of an unknowable and unseen and terrible and vengeful god —or two or three hundred such deities, and nobody ever proved that they existed either.

And only a few of us have scratched our heads and wondered— if they haven’t isolated a specific virus, how could they test for something undefined?

And why are all these people who took the vaccine now testing positive for HIV? Oh, right. HIV was Fauci’s specialty.

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