Orientation for Newbies February 24, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

4 years ago

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Orientation for Newbies February 24, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

So you have discovered the Great Fraud and figured out that you need to come home to the land and soil jurisdiction where you naturally belong.

Congratulations! You've made a wise choice, but.....

Whether you know it or not, you are carrying a lot of baggage with you.

This isn't your fault. You've been indoctrinated and trained to accept a Top Down hierarchy of authority, and as a result, your expectations and assumptions about government and "how things work" is 180 degrees out of phase with your actual government, in which authority flows in the opposite direction.

That is just one major change and adjustment. There are others.

You've been given a completely twisted version of history, with more holes in it than an average Swiss cheese.

Rewards, respect, and authority in our system of government is given to those who are wisest, kindest, most learned, most motivated to serve, and most honorable.

All the hard lessons you learned on the playground and climbing the corporate ladder need to be left behind in favor of an egalitarian vision of self-respect, self-determination, and self-responsibility, freedom, equality, brotherhood, and freewill ---- all of which are the hallmarks of self-governance.

Self-governing a country begins first and foremost with governing ourselves.

With all this freedom and so many rights to exercise, some newcomers think that someone died and left them in charge of the world. This is not the case. As my Mother used to tell me (almost daily) --- your rights end where another person's rights begin. We have not been taught that lesson in public school, in the military, or in the corporate environment, so we all need to learn it now.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/02/orientation-for-newbies.html

Download and print http://annavonreitz.com/orientationfornewbies.pdf

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Thank you. ~ Ed

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