Big Breakthrough, Brothers and Sisters! February 18, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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Big Breakthrough, Brothers and Sisters! February 18, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

A "breakthrough '' commonly means that we have been butting our heads against something --- like a math problem --- and we finally had that "A-ha! Moment" and figured it out. Today's announcement also carries the meaning that we are breaking beyond ---- not just a single problem.
Millions of problems.
Imagine this ---- we have known for some time now that the rats had us "in the middle" and both sides of their purportedly ongoing Civil War conflict were conveniently impersonating us as belonging to the "other side" --- and using this pathetic excuse to latch upon our property and assets and incarcerate us and do all sorts of other pillaging, plundering, and harm to innocent Third Parties.
So....once you know that you are "IT" and in the middle of such a scheme, you realize that: (1) there are two sides battering away at you, not one; (2) that by the nature of their scheme, they can't both act at once---- you are getting hit first by one, and then the other; (3) overcoming both of the attackers requires two separate responses --- one in Municipal COURT and one in Territorial Court.
After stumbling around and finding --- by trial and error --- the right court(s) empowered to provide remedy in the Territorial Court System, we finally pushed all the right buttons and overcame their schtick, even though it takes time and patience to do it.
There remained the Municipal COURT System to overcome, and this being a purely commercial court enterprise proved to be pretty difficult and arcane, but.... now we have that one down, too.
We have the pathway before us and justice in view for hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions of people, who have been subjected to identity theft, impersonation, false arrest, kidnapping, illegal confiscation, and so much more.
As you know, The Living Law Firm has not been able to get involved in many individual cases --- only Test Cases that can yield results beyond themselves --- and we are right now engaged in such a series of Test Cases to bust the whole game wide open.
These are Test Cases involving real Americans --- people who have reclaimed their birthright political status, but who had pre-existing issues with The System, being harassed and incarcerated under known False Pretenses.

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