HVAR (Croatia): Episode 3 - Stari Grad (from Hvar Town via bus and taxi)

4 years ago

Stari Grad (literally means Old Town) is the oldest town in Croatia and the historic heart of the island of Hvar. In 385 BC, Greeks from the island of Paros in the Aegean sea have settled here and named the entire Hvar Island as Pharos or Faros.

For centuries, Stari Grad was a safe harbour to sailors because of its position in the middle of the island. The most interesting reminders of the ancient Greeks is the Stari Grad plain, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2008. On this plain, an Ancient Greek system of field division has been so well-preserved. It's even visible by satellite.

You could say that Stari Grad is the antithesis of Hvar Town. It's the sedate and modest cousin to the party-centric and glitzy Hvar Town.

Similar to all of Croatia's historical coastal and islands towns with their ubiquitous rivas, Stari Grad's palm-lined waterfront is dotted with centuries old Venetian Rennaisance buildings, al fresco bars and restaurant, colourful souvenir stalls, ice cream stands, fishing boats, and yachts.

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