More About the Situation in Australia -- and Everywhere Else February 18, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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More About the Situation in Australia -- and Everywhere Else February 18, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Just a quick publication for all the Aussies and "the rest of us" who need to be aware of how this same basic scam has been introduced to many other countries via the use of foreign "political parties" and "corporations as governments"---thereby depriving the General Population of their powers and rights and even their assets and property.

The answer is two-pronged, just as the attack has been.

Drop all memberships in all political parties, while serving notice to the heads of the political parties that they are engaged in constructive fraud and need to restrict and fully disclose the nature of their private corporate elections.

Claim your proper political status as free and independent Australians, all natural inheritors and caretakers of the land and soil of Australia, Nationals of Australia, and, if you choose to serve, State Citizens of Your Province.

As a particular insight, the actual Commonwealth of Australia, was dissolved in the 1960's --- and in the absence of an organized response by the actual people of Australia, the political party bosses "assumed" power that they don't have and began ruling the country by fiat as the comptrollers of a "governmental services corporation".

But the Queen's Government is not without culpability for this circumstance, as they made no attempt to fully disclose the circumstance or assist the Australians via a Public Information and Education program prior to these events, and they certainly shirked their Trust obligations to aid and assist the People of Australia to organize their public meetings and conduct the necessary elections--- and even to be aware that such actions were (and are) necessary.

Dick Yardley’s Summation:

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