#189 3-6-19 The Return Of Child Labor

3 years ago

00:00 Can China rise peacefully?
06:00 Kyle: The Alt Right was captured by the 1488 crowd
17:00 KMG: NYT discusses child influencers
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58:00 Fans question LeBron James’ heart after another embarrassing loss
1:01:00 CNN Panel of Democratic Voters Go Nuts Over ‘Bad Ass’ AOC: ‘She Is the Candidate of the Future!’
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2:04:00 Transgender man who was told he couldn't fall pregnant reveals his delight at welcoming a son
2:10:00 Kids sexting
2:12:00 Kylie Jenner, 21, faces intense Twitter backlash after Forbes names her the youngest self-made billionaire of all time
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2:36:00 Ilhan Omar is the Steve King of the left
2:45:00 Tories Islamophobia?
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3:05:00 My students know they’re in charge — and there’s nothing I can do
3:07:00 Facebook's reputation is sinking fast
3:09:00 Anti-Semitism Rebuke Put Off Amid Growing Democratic Discord
3:11:00 Barack Obama complains about leaders who beat their chest and says Sarah Palin paved the way for Donald Trump's election
3:15:00 Danny1488 vs Christopher Cantwell
3:20:00 The apparent demise of stream.me









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