Evidence of Miracles

3 years ago

Barbara’s story:

Physician’s untold stories by Scott Kolbaba, verified by Thomas Marshall. Page 115-122.

Her name is Barbara Cummiskey -

Carl’s story:

Lee Strobel, the Case for Miracles Page 106


90% of Christians in China report that seeing a miracle was the reason they converted to Christianity. Craig Keener, Miracles Page 264 – potentially 10s of Millions of People

Many of these same Christians are from backgrounds hostile towards Christianity: Miracles by Craig Keener Page 265-267.

Many of these same Christians are also being healed from Blindness, being crippled or dead Page 267.

80% of Lutheran Church goers come to Jesus because of healings or Excorcisms – Craig Keener, Miracles

Being raised from the Dead: James Rutz, Megashift, Page 30

Craig Keener Miracles, Page 277-278 Non Christians are also healed by the Christian God.

Philip Yancy’s skeptical friend tells about his experience reading Craig Keener’s book:

Jesus and Miracles - Philip Yancey


Praying in Jesus’ name:

What Does it Mean to Pray in Jesus' Name? - Dr. Roger Barrier (crosswalk.com)

Elvis alive stories:

Elvis Presley Death Theories: Why Do Some Think He’s Alive? | Time

Alien abduction stories:

Appelle, Stuart. "The Abduction Experience: A Critical Evaluation of Theory and Evidence". Journal of UFO Studies, n.s. 6, 1995/96, pp. 29–78

Eyewitness testimony is more reliable than atheists think:

Eyewitness Memory Is a Lot More Reliable Than You Think - Scientific American

Christian news media talks about Miracles:

CBN interviews Nabeel Quereshi on Visions he had:

Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus - Nabeel Qureshi - YouTube

Atheists are not less biased than Christians:

Are atheists undogmatic? - ScienceDirect

Also Myside Bias: Means that you are more prone to evaluate evidence in a manner that is biased towards your own presuppositions and attitudes.

Anger toward God: social-cognitive predictors, prevalence, and links with adjustment to bereavement and cancer - PubMed (nih.gov)

Big Bang theory for beginning of the Universe:

The Big Bang Theory: How the Universe Began | Live Science

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