GamingLass2: How We Give a Pill to our Cat

4 years ago

Our almost 19 year old cat requires a daily pill. She was very uncooperative at first - Growled, tried to bite and scratch us. There was NO WAY I was sticking my fingers any where near her teeth. Also, she was very good at spitting out the undigested pills. So, we checked with our vet and they said we COULD crush the pill. I mix the crushed pill with a tiny bit of warmed liquid: Catsip Milk, Broth, or even a watered down bisque cat food. Using a plastic baby syringe, I administer the crushed pill in the liquid. At first, we had to swaddle her in a blanket so her feet were trapped and she couldn't scratch us, but now, we do it so fast, and she knows this is part of the routine. I would recommend using 2 people with uncooperative cats. Remember: Check with your VET to make sure this method is okay. Some pills may not be crushed or maybe can't be mixed with anything.

Music - Heavenly by Aakash Gandhi

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