MCC February 7th Service

4 years ago

Welcome Church family.

Blessings for Regina
Please see sign up sheet to help us meet Regina's needs.

Men's Bible Study
-Starting Feb. 11th the men will be meeting bi-weekly for a bible study and to help build our bonds of fellowship. See Pastor Steve for more information.

Bible Memorization
Starting January 10th
We will be starting a church wide memorization. We plan on having gifts for the person in each group who best memorizes the book of 1 John.
Groups will be as follows:
-Youngest group they will be given a chapter.
-Oldest Sunday school group
This year hopefully each of us will grow in bible literacy

Our Weekly Schedule:
7:00 PM
- Prayer Service. All are invited to come and seek
the Lord as a church family
- Royal Rangers boys group ages 7-17
Contact Jesse Babcock for more information
- Tender Mercies girls group ages 6-12
Contact Danielle DiStano for more Information

7:00 PM
- Impact Youth Group
See Tim or Lydia Zaloum for more information

- Pre-Service Prayer
Come and join us as we seek God for blessing
and healing for the church and our community
10:30 AM
- Main Worship Service / Sermon
Speaker: Pastor Steve Stoltzfus

May God bless our time together

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