Secrets of Stalo, the state like the mafia

3 years ago

State secrets, the state like the mafia?
How can democratic countries hide information from their citizens as well as voters?
What is the use of securing a document?
On wikipedia we can find that:
“State secrecy is a legal constraint that determines the exclusion of a particular piece of information from disclosure outside the sphere of the authorized subjects, imposing sanctions against anyone who violates this obligation.
This type of secret is usually justified by the need to protect national security and public safety. "
Did you understand what state secret means?
If you have succeeded, congratulations, because I did not understand, indeed I invite you to enlighten me on the matter. Maybe leave me a comment ... ..
In particular, what does "national security" mean?
Doesn't it seem to you that this notorious national security is just an umbrella to justify and keep citizens in the dark about inconvenient events, which the state prefers not to let people know?
That of state secrets is one of the many obscure points of our history and contributes to generating that lack of trust in institutions.
Then we hear politicians on TV making nice speeches like:
"We have to recover the trust of the people"
We tell these politicians that secrecy is the exact opposite of transparency and that there should be no secrets in an honest relationship. It is certainly not acceptable that the state can have secrets, while the citizen is required not to have any, in case of potential violation of the laws.
The most disconcerting thing is to lay the secret around massacres such as those of 12 December 1969 in Milan, the Peteano massacre of 31 May 1972, with three carabinieri torn apart by a car bomb, the massacre in Piazza della Loggia in Brescia (28 May 1974, eight dead and 102 injured) then there is Bologna, the bomb of 2 August 1980 at the train station, which killed 85 innocents
Away with all secrets, we demand transparency from the state which is always the first to demand it from us citizens, while the same turns a deaf ear when it suits them.
Secrecy does not rhyme with justice.
Justice can only take place in a climate of transparency and mutual collaboration.

I am convinced that behind the state secret, and the phony excuse of national security, lies the attempt to hide "false flag" operations, with which the state carries out its aims by any means.
When these methods, to obtain what is convenient, become "unpresentable" to public opinion ", as they imply the disrespect of the most basic rights, and the lack of civic sense, then secrecy and national security, it would be better to say the security that the state gives itself, to defend itself from the indignation of public opinion, if the facts were expressed in the light of the sun.
What would happen if the citizen appealed to some form of "secret" or perhaps a phantom "personal security" during a fiscal control, or an investigation of a possible wrongdoing? Would the state agree to interrupt any investigations against a private subject, to respect "secrecy" or "personal safety"?
Obviously not, otherwise every criminal would appeal to the most fallacious excuse to avoid going to investigate too much. Don't you think that the same also applies to the state? Why two weights and two measures?
Those who are honest have no secrets to hide, those who have skeletons in the closet struggle desperately to be able to hide them.
It is right to demand justice in every area, starting from the individual level, up to the level of the state, which cannot shirk its responsibilities.
This is right and true, not only for a trivial matter of principle, but also because state officials often go beyond their competences, and abuse their power, dictated by the position in office, and confuse what is the common good with that. which is their personal interest.
State secrets often hide the particular interests of bureaucrats and managers who make an abuse of power, which goes unpunished, thanks to the state secret.
If the state is us citizens, at least this is the official legend that is told to us, then the state descends from its golden pedestal, and puts itself on the same level as us citizens who, according to the official narrative, we are bound to respect. the laws or pay the consequences in case of non-compliance with them.
No more state secrets!
No more false flag operations!
Enough state massacres!

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