Amiram Sleazy

4 years ago

"A Joke That No One Understands"
I made it, phew.
Song nr.2 in my song a month series. This song has definitely been one of my favourites lately. It encompasses so much of the feelings and energies that are circulating around me lately. It was written a few days before my last birthday, and its definitely not meant to be taken in a literal sense, but it probably will be. As the song says `"A Joke That No One Understands"
I brought the unfinished song to @reut.yehudai and together we finished writing it. She then did her magic arranged and produced it. Giving it the powerful cabaret feeling,
It was while we were working on this song that I felt I had something, and decided to commit to the one song a month for a year project.
The video was created, directed, edited, make up and styled by @miraawadofficial
I've been lucky to have such powerful and talented friends who dedicate their time and talents to help me realise this. A song a month is an ambitious project. I'm learning as I go along, but I hope in the process I create something valuable. It wasn't planned to come out during Purim, but I couldn't have planned it better than this
Please comment and share, let me know what you think.
lyrics: Amiram Eini
Music: Amiram Eini & Reut Yehudai
Produced and arranged by: Reut Yehudai
Guitars: Adam Tal
Acoustic Guitar: Amiram Eini
Mix and Master Ayal Yishay at papa studio's @ayalyishai @papa_studios
Directed, Edited: Mira Awad
After Effects: Goga Beniashvili
Thanks to Artura Art for letting me use the gallery for shooting

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