Teachers who Pray

4 years ago


Hello brothers and YouTube family hope you guys are being blessed.

A couple of days ago I had a very interesting dream where I found myself in a school and a fight broke out right before me. As a group ganged up on this one kid and began to beat him. I was disheveled as I didn’t know what to do and went into one of the classrooms to tell a teacher that the children were fighting. The teacher recognized me and seemed very nervous and fearful before his whole class. As he stuttering telling me to get some papers he needed for his class. I sensed in the dream I was some type of teachers aid. I then thought, wait a minute why didn’t I pray or rebuke the spirits immeaditly when the fight broke out to stop it. Then I heard in my spirit “ Teachers who pray” as I began to think teachers need to learn how to pray and take authority. Then the dream went black and I heard again “teachers who pray”. Then I woke up. I thought to myself hmm, what is that Lord? Maybe it’s something you want me to start. So I decided to google the name and what do you know there is an organization already with that title. I didn’t know what the Lord wanted me to do with it besides simply pray. So I began to pray for the organization and the leader who founded it. Thinking nothing of it.

Then today the Lord began to speak to me during prayer in adoration. That I should reach out to the founder to encourage her and that he was going to use this organization in a mighty way in these last days. Once again I was trying to shake off these thoughts thinking Lord is that you as I sought him for discernment and got confirmation. So I stopped my worship and came to him saying

Lord I feel like your telling me to reach out to the “Teachers who pray” group that I had a dream about a while ago. These thoughts were coming to my mind that you were going to raise up this organization in these last days.

Jesus began,
“Yes beloved, these are my thoughts exactly. I want Heartdwellers praying for this organization and this young lady I have called to lead for she is feeling much like you right now. Very much alone, but I do want you to reach out to her and encourage her. That I see and all of heaven knows and is backing her in this initiative that I gave her. This is my work and my mission nothing will hinder the work. No, government laws or state laws will hinder what I desire to do through her and this organization. Encourage her to continue to abide by the laws of the land, but not to play it safe. That I am her only safety and I desire for her to be bold, courageous and on fire for me. To not to allow anyone to douse the flame of her love for me and this gift of teachings I have given her. Many may not understand or trust where I am leading her as many christian even teachers claim me by name, but I am not at all in their hearts. They fear man rather than fear me. Wasn’t it by three man, Shadrach, Meshach and Abendnego that I led the the nation of Babylon to bow down before me. Though “Elijah” thought “ he was all alone I told him that I had 7,000 who had not bend their knee to Baal. So shall you encourage her that I have many servants who have not bowed their knee down to the system or honors of man but they are desiring for someone to look up too, someone to teach, lead and love passionately for me to be an example and I am raising her up. As the covid began to diminish schools and universities will began to open up and so will the prolific infiltrations of demons that will come to cause havoc, infighting, and rebellion. The time of lockdown was for my people to come to repentance and brokenness, however rather than feeding on my word and in my presence many fed on the news and as a consequence fed on anger, bitterness, fear and rebellion. Thereby allowing these entrances into their homes to affect their children. So pray for these little ones coming back to school, pray for the teachers who have been feeding on this filth as well, and pray for the buildings to be swept clean by the holy angels of every stronghold and demon residing there. This organization I will use to to equip, train and impart my anointing on the teachers all over the nation and even the world to be my intercessors, representatives, hidden co-ops. Taking authority over, cities, communities, schools with their prayers. As they are equipped in spiritual warfare and calling down heaven, sweeping hallways, and classroom with angelic assistance. Preparing the the bright minds and hearts of these precious souls I have entrusted to them by leading in love, teaching in patience and in intercession. The schools and universities have for so long been the enemies playground, but I am taking back this territory and will use this organization to do it.

That was the end of Jesus message

So guys I was amazed at the Lords words and heart for this organization. This is a Christian organization started by Marilyn Rhames who was called out of journalism into eduction after 9/11. She saw the spiritual void in schools which inspired her to start TWP, Teachers Who Pray to infuse creative and hope into her teaching practice and to uplift the morale of her colleagues at school. The mission for this organization is “We believe that the single- most effective tool for improving schools is free and under-utilized:Prayer. TWP equips educators to ground their work in prayer, faith and spiritual practice so that teachers bring there best selves into the classroom and students consistently get the academic and social emotional support they need to succeed in school and in life.. They also have a prayer network community where teachers from all of there chapters gather together to pray to Jesus on their national prayer line on Mondays from 7-8pm ct. She has been featured at the white house speaking about the organization with President Trump and was featured on TED Talk “Why faith will fix education”. What is interesting is I had a vision about 3 years ago when I went to go pick my nephew up from his school and I began to think of my purpose as the Holy Spirit was flooding me with thoughts of how important it is to be obedient to the Lord because other souls are affected by our obedience and it is through obedience that others come into their destinies as well. All of a sudden I saw this black women with glasses standing on the side of a stage which I was on, as I was speaking she was in tears and I knew she had so much gratitude for what ever it is I was doing because it had been attached to her purpose as well. I knew if I hadn’t fulfilled my purpose she wouldn’t have been able to come to the fullness of what God called her to do. When I saw her video after the Lord gave me this message that vision came back to me as I thought, Lord could that have been who I saw?

I didn’t get a clear answer, but I am going to step out in faith and reach out to her to encourage her with these words as the Lord said. I am praying Heartdwellers we would take her and this organization into our hearts because I have such a heart for children and more importantly the youth in this generation who are so lost in darkness, but many times it falls on the teachers. Imagine having a school with teachers who really pray, intercessors, prayer warriors not only would the children be changed, the school changed, but that whole community would be changed. The time is short Jesus is coming back and I believe he will use her and this organization to set christian teachers on fire for Jesus thereby touching the youth of this generation and bringing freedom. Because of recent persecution in our nation in the education system against Christians many are so afraid to say the name of Jesus even as christians. As I watched some of the videos of this organization it was powerful however, I think the Lord is wanting her and many other teachers to be unafraid, bold and courageous to proclaim the name of Jesus in their classrooms, in their schools and in the education system. That the teachers would be equipped not only spiritually themselves but in warfare to know the strong holds and principalities in their area so their prayers would be more effective transforming the schools, the atmospheres around them and the education system. So stand with me fellow Heartdwellers and lets pray to see schools changed and the young minds of this generation transformed. God bless you guys until the next message

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