4 years ago

1º The world under the 2030 Agenda
2º Great Reset Klaus
3º Great Reset in 5 min

"Klaus Schwab is one of the main evil villains behind the totalitarian billionaire movement behind The Great Reset which is one of the many scams going on such as the economic collapse, Covid-19, international Antifa/BLM riots, ID2020, Agenda 21, Agenda 30, etc. Today he joined Twitter and gives us a great list of those behind all this tyranny."
Klaus Schwab's Twitter: https://twitter.com/ProfKlausSchwab

The Global Reset involves the fusion of the following technologies: genetic engineering such as CRISPR genetic editing, artificial intelligence (A.I.), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), organ 3D printing and quantum computing.

In November 2016, Klaus Schwab's WEF published “8 Predictions for the World in 2030” but it is more than just a forecast. It is a plan that has drastically accelerated since the announcement of the Covid-19 PLANDEMIC and the calculated theft of human freedoms from mandated lockdowns and distancing to oxygen-depriving face coverings.

According to the projections of the WEF’s “Global Future Councils,” private property and privacy will be abolished over the next decade.

Source: Qure Anon Media

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