Hungary National Anthem (Instrumental) Himnusz

4 years ago

"Himnusz" (Anthem", lit. 'Hymn') is the national anthem of Hungary. The words were written by Ferenc Kölcsey in 1823, and music was composed by Ferenc Erkel in 1844. The poem bore the subtitle "A magyar nép zivataros századaiból" ("From the stormy centuries of the Hungarian nation"). The first stanza is sung at official ceremonies and as well in common.
The title in the original manuscript is "Hymnus" - a Latin word meaning "song of praise". The phonetic transcription "Himnusz" replaced the original Latin spelling over time, so too the word "himnusz" took on the meaning "national anthem".

(English Lyrics / Translation)
God, bless the Hungarian
With good mood and prosperity,
Extend to him a guarding arm
When he struggles with his foes;

To those long torn by ill fate
Bring a cheerful year,
This people has already paid for the sins
Of the past and future!

Hungarian National Anthem / Magyar Himnusz / Magyarország Himnusza / Himno Nacional de Hungría / Hymne National de Hongrie / Гимн Венгрии / Inno Nazionale Ungherese / Volkslied van Hongarije / Ungarische Nationalhymne / Mađarska Himna / Himno Nacional Hungaro / Hymne National Hongrois / Ungarn Nationalhymne / Inno Ungheria / Hongaarse Volkslied

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