Pavane de Madame Liberte`

3 years ago

Original lyrics by Laura Casale put to "Pavane", originally written in 1887 by French composer, Gabriel Faure`. "As an American visiting France, I found inspiration through personal experience while visiting. All through Paris, I kept seeing reflections of the face of 'Lady Liberty'. I thought, could have been the same artist, but something more was happening. Every time I saw another statue of a lady, it was as if she appeared to me as the Statue of Liberty and kept speaking to me, calling out to me, trying to tell me something. Finally, on my final night in Paris, September 29, 2010, as I stood at the base of the Statue of Liberty replica, I not only felt the comfort of home, but also came to realize, once again, my Freedom! Freedom to look at the world, different countries, different people, and places as through the eyes of a child, without fear, prejudice, or preconceived ideas or mindsets, and to see the beauty in all things. Whether you are stuck in a traffic jam on the avenue of "Champ-Elysees" on the way to see the "Arc de Triompe",
or hearing very loud rap music on a boom box in the middle of a Paris square, which isn't exactly what you have in the mind as romantic, or whether it's a challenge to commuicate with people who don't speak your own language and the Arabian waiter in your French café can't speak English OR French....Realizing, whatever life hands you, it is ALL good! You can always...SMILE! Don't worry -- be happy! Life is too short, not to enjoy every moment! I flew back to America in freedom, and to my surprise I could not get "Pavane" out of my mind, as I was still in a whirlwind from my trip. I started humming it all day long, and then words began to form. It came like a strong forced wind within about an hour. I began the process of learning it, transcribing it into a key I could sing, orchestrated it and recorded it. Many Thanks to my French friend, who took me to the replica, as well as helping me with the French verse in the song. As the year progressed I knew I MUST visit the American Lady to fulfil and make complete this experience. The way was provided as a gift from another very dear friend, for which I will always be thankful. The LADY did not fail to astonish me with her intense majestic beauty! Even on the morning of the visit to Liberty Island, it was raining quite hard and she was covered in fog, before the boat docked. I had no choice but to stay thankful and peaceful, knowing I was on a mission - traveled 3000 miles to film her, and the rain and fog would not deterr me! Thanks be to God, the skies opened, the sun broke through a little and we ended up with a gorgeous sunset as her backdrop. This video is also a celebration of the friendship between 2 Great Republics, France and The United States of America!

Below are the French words of one of the verses:

Voir le visage de madame Liberte`
Elle tiens la torche pour tout voir
Laisse` ton Coeur fondre d'amour
Danse tout le jour avec la liberte`

English Translation:

See the face of Lady Liberty
She holds the Torch for all to see
Let love melt your heart
Dance with freedom all the day

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