4 years ago

UPDATE!!!! Since putting out this video, in which I warned an attack by the Biden regime was eminent, it has launched an affront to REGULATE CRYPTOCURRENCY!!! I will be posting a new report on that tonight! THE BATTLE FOR ECONOMIC CONTROL IS ON! The PEOPLE vs the CABAL!

Corrupt politicians have used the endless printing of federal reserve notes (US dollars) in conjunction with schemes such as "stimulus packages" to channel taxpayer dollars into foreign private interests in order to bolster their wealth while driving citizens into poverty. It appears that during this time of silence, Trump and the Patriots have been busy laying the groundwork for the people to free themselves of the Federal Reserve shackles and, in the same way people can create a parallel economy with news media, social media and even political sanctuaries, this is also possible economically. In creating a parallel economy that leaves irrelevant hostile environments behind, over 80 million Americans can migrate to other currencies and render a corrupt monetary system irrelevant, as well. The added bonus is that making the federal reserve note irrelevant, citizens can drain the cash cow that corrupt politicians have been milking at taxpayer expense, for far too long. The battle has ALWAYS been for power, control and WEALTH. Now the people have the keys to actually draining the funds that have fed the swamp for so long.

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