AMAZING GRACE (House of the Rising Sun tune) Cover by Sharon Luanne Rivera 2020

3 years ago

“AMAZING GRACE”-that saved a Wretch like me!
👁👁Titus 2:13 Looking for that blessed hope of the glorious appearing of our GREAT GOD & SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. Just think how great it will be soon when Christ rescues us off this rock & all viruses will be gone forever and when we’ve been there 10 thousand years, bright shining as the ☀️sun, we’ve no less days to sing God’s praise than when we first begun. Keep looking up brothers & sisters our redemption draws near!
🎄December 2020🥲Previous post info: You know I really wanted to cry & feel depressed when they had to cancel the kid’s Christmas play & shut down our church tomorrow because of health concerns. But I started thinking that I’ve got to keep my trust in the Lord & not get discouraged. I started thinking that even this 80 or 90 or more years we live on this earth is just a quick drop in the bucket compared to the awesome eternal life the Lord has planned for us kids. We’ve got all of eternity to be free with Jesus and in 10 thousand years we will all remember this crisis the world is going through & we will say “aww that didn’t last too long & now we have glorified bodies that will never get the virus or any other illnesses again! Love y’all & Merry Christmas! My YouTube channel if you’d like to check it out☺️-

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