#42 Down The Rabbit Hole - We The People Radio w/ Guest @Cozyclub7x Shills are Out in Full Force

4 years ago

Lex was busy at class this week so the Fren @cozyclub7x Nicholas Gagliano steps up as a guest host once again and perfect time because he is the perfect fren to discuss all the shilling going on! All those who are screaming that 17 is not real or a psyop have ZERO idea what 17 actually is or even know where to find a post. They are usually the first one saying "oh lets get em in 2022 or 2024 guys we can do this" and are perfectly ok with the fact they stole this election right in front of our our face. But we do need to hold ourselves accountable lots of anons are sharing wild scenarios and speaking in absolutes as if they are 100% fact! It is very important to use discernment and not spread these wild theories as if they are fact! I love the band but the fans can get very crazy we need to be smart in the things we are sharing and discussing with people. 


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